Thursday, June 01, 2006

I've been reading a tattoo-related site called "Needled" for quite some time now.

A few days ago I sent in an ad-banner that included ink-work in the imagery. The ad was odd, because it was unexpected that it would include any sort of tattoo, due to the product the ad was selling and the supposed target market it appeared to be aimed towards. As mentions, tattoos are creeping into all sorts of mainstream outlets. I find this to be a good thing, as theoretically this will help the tattooed community become less of a curiosity in the long run. (While I don't mind people asking questions about my tattoos, quite frankly I'm growing rather tired of complete strangers touching my ink. I would never even consider poking someone's nose-job and I don't see any difference between touching the tattoos of strangers and fondling a person's plastic surgery modifications. Both actions are both equally rude.)


Today, there is a small article regarding tattoos in fashion-related advertisment, including the ad I brought to their attention,
and the fine folks at Needled included a link to in the article.

How nice of them!
Because Bag Lunch is a tiny company, little mentions like these really help out. And I greatly appreciate it!

visit them at

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